Saturday, January 17, 2015

Insanely Simple

Insanely Simple by Ken Segall is an excellent book on how Simplicity drives Apple, and how Steve Jobs built a monument to Simplicity in Apple itself.

The book has a marketing perspective through and through - an reader should keep in mind. Ken worked closely with Steve Jobs as ad agency creative director for NeXT and Apple. He was a member of the team that created Apple's legendary Think Different campaign.

It dawned upon me that what makes Apple successful is not just beautiful design. It is their entire approach to everything. And Ken has looked at all those aspects from Product Development, to selling to marketing via the lens of Simplicity. It depicts, and Ken writes bluntly, on how other organizations such as Dell have failed at attempting to more like Apple.

The key takeaways are the chapter titles themselves. To summarize, embarking on the Road to Simplicity requires:

1. Rigor
2. Tenacity
3. Unwavering, and unrelenting discipline NOT to take the easier road
4. Small, dedicated teams. Hands On.
5. Movement, Velocity - willing to make bets, and admitting mistakes when they happen and putting yourself back on the corrected course

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